How evidence-based carbon drawdown data from Project Drawdown underpins See Through News
‘Carbon Drawdown’ is 20% of See Through News’s 10-word Goal. Everything we do at See Through News is based on the science behind the carbon drawdown rankings listed in the Table of Solutions calculated by Project Drawdown.
What lies behind the Table of Solutions is as complex as life on earth. If you want detail, take a look at the website. There’s no end of footnotes, references and discussions, but the Table itself is simple, and accessible. Reductive, in a helpful way.
The Power of Rankings
From Olympic medal tables to the Forbes Rich List and GPT-3-generated listicles, we all ‘get’ league tables. Project Drawdown’s Table of Solutions may be little-known, but it’s the most important for the future of human civilisation. There’s little of more pressing importance than carbon drawdown, a phrase that should be much better known.
Carbon drawdown.
See Through News aspires to make the Table of Solutions better known.
Our dream is for it to be best known, and to no longer have to explain what ‘carbon drawdown’ means.
Primary school kids around the world should recite The Table of Solutions.
Places of worship should display it.
Newspapers should print it every day on their front page.
All politicians, business people and journalists should consult it before they make a new law, sell a new product, or write a new article.
Here’s the Table in standalone, shareable, graphic form.
- One shows the Top Twenty solutions to limit global temperature rise to +1.5C by 2100, which our politicians still pretend is possible.
- The other shows the Top Twenty for a +2C rise by 2100, still feasible but not if we permit our leaders to keep dragging their heels.
Given the depth of our ignorance about the Solutions, the distinction is barely significant.
Why not pick one and pass it on?
If you’re shocked, and want to do something about it, the first thing you could do is to share that frisson with a friend, and ask them to do the same.
If you enjoy a game, you could try this before taking a good look yourself, and on your friends.
Can You Name The Top Carbon Reduction Solutions?
Before you peek:
- Predict the top 5.
- Guess the proportion of the Top 20 solutions that depend on
- Individual Behaviour (IB)
- Government Regulation (GR)
- Express this as a ratio, i.e. 50:50, 60:40. 30:70 etc.
After you peek:
- Consider why we can name the world’s Top 5 Billionaires, but not the Top 5 Ways to Save Ourselves.
- Estimate of the actual ratio of Individual Behaviour:Government Regulation.
- Reckon the ratio of media coverage directed towards Individual Behaviour v. Government Regulation.

Gameifying The Table of Solutions
In accordance with its storytelling methodology, See Through News is promoting the Table of Solutions not by ‘educating’, ‘raising awareness’, lecturing or inspiring, but by making it fun, and inducing people to ask the right questions.
We’ve developed two games based on the carbon drawdown Table of Solutions above.
- GRIBbage is a very simple paper-and-pencil game
- The Learn Game is a more elaborate, sophisticated game. It’s the second of our 3-part suite of online See Through Games designed to measurably reduce carbon
Advertisers, politicians, preachers, salespeople charlatans and con-artists are all familiar with the concept of ‘AIDA’. First attract the punter’s Attention, then stimulate their Interest, to lead them to Desire something, that you can then get to them to Act on.
See Through News has a suite of three video games based on the AIDA principle. They’re fun and engaging in their own right, but are designed to use this to earn ordinary people’s Attention, provoke their Interest, elicit their Desire, and lead them to Action that will measurably reduce carbon.
In doing so, not only will the bulk of people we classify as Unwilling Inactivists