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Speeding Up Carbon Drawdown by Helping the Inactive Become Active

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Bad Jokes To Do Good on Earth

Bad Dad Joke humour thinking outside the box storytelling effective climate action carb on drawdown carbon reduction CO2 greenhouse emissions reduce

‘Saving the Planet’ is no joke, so how does See Through Together’s Thinking Outside The Bogs YouTube Playlist reduce carbon – and how you can help…

Welcome to See Through Together’s sibling See Through News!

The See Through Together YouTube channel is one of many projects designed to serve the See Through Goal of Speeding Up Carbon Drawdown by Helping the Inactive Become Active.

Here’s how it works, and how you can help. (If you just want to know how help, skip to the bottom of this article).

So what’s all this about saving the planet?

First, there’s no need to ‘save the planet’.

As See Through explains when describing its Goal, the planet has been around for billions of years and doesn’t need any saving.

It’s humans, and our current ecosystem that need saving. We’ve barely been around for 300,000 years, definitely need saving from our fossil fuel addiction, and from taking down a whole lot of species with us.

You may have already noticed that See Through has a different approach from most climate activist groups.

See Through doesn’t ‘raise your awareness’ by telling you to make individual behaviour changes, like”

  • Sort your recycling!
  • Eat less meat!
  • Ride a bike to work!

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with any of these calls to action, just that people already know all about them.

Some are already doing them, some have tried and been discouraged by the fact that carbon emissions continue to rise, and that individual actions seem pretty ineffective when set against greater powers, like government regulation. 

See Through’s Methodology is to engage ordinary people with attractive content (even Cringeworthy Dad Jokes) in order to direct them to clear actions they can take to measurably reduce carbon, which is what you’re doing now.

See Through actions are targeted at the big levers of carbon reduction, like accurate corporate carbon reporting and changes in government regulation.

If you’re curious how they might work, here are some currently being developed by other members of See Through’s global network of pro bono experts:

All See Through Together YouTube videos are made by professional filmmakers volunteering their time as effective climate activists. 

See Through is not a commercial project. Its outcomes are measured not in money, social media reach, or other proxies for ‘impact’, but in the same unit used by climate scientists, i.e. metric tonnes of carbon dioxide reduced or sequestered (‘CO2e’).

But What Can I Do Now?

Until the actionable projects mentioned above are ready, here are some options for anyone wanting to do more than just watch YouTube videos:

  • Boost Us: the usual social media stuff – subscribe, Like, click, comment, share with your friends etc. If you have a social media reach and are interested in promoting this project, email for updated release schedules, with the opportunity to preview each new release.
  • Join Us: email to see how you can help this zero-budget project. We have plenty of roles requiring varying degrees of expertise and experience.
  • Follow Us: Subscribe to See Through News Newsletter. It’s free, keeps your data private, and plops into your inbox every Sunday, updating you on new content and developments See Through’s innovative mission to measurably reduce carbon. Share any See Through content with your friends
  • Critique Us: Use the comment features, on YouTube or here on the website, to give your thoughts on any aspect of any See Through project. Being innovative involves making mistakes, and we benefit as much from your criticism as your praise (though feel free to praise us too, if you want…)

Thanks for your interest and support.